Caution! Fragile Content Inside!!! Image Courtesy:

Hello my dear bloggers, I do not know how to admit my mistake that I wasn’t able to post anything at all for the past couple of weeks as I was a bit busy in clearing up some things, but Hey! I also did some pensive work about my next blog topic…

And a recent conversation with a good friend of mind helped me in cementing my topic for today’s blog topic. I’ve seriously been itching to write on this topic and I finally got a heaven-sent green signal in the form of my friend.

As we all know human beings, in my opinion, are the most complex of living beings to comprehend and I have to disagree with those people who have the knack of saying that they can judge a person in the first five minutes.


Are you kidding? I beg to differ with such cynics and have to add that it takes an entire lifetime to understand your fellow mates  and one cannot do it in the first five minutes or five months!!!

How many of us would’ve cribbed about a specific person whose “original character” comes to life only after they betray your trust?

I’m sure over half a million people around the world will definitely raise their hands, including me!!!

Emotions, in my opinion are very fragile and volatile by nature, and if you the handyman drops the package then you’re in for some serious trouble buddy!!!

However lets analyse this from a different perspective, the brain and heart are the two most vital and projected organs for a human beings’ survival. Yet they both bear so much brunt that they eventually have to break down at some point of time!

And this happens quite often to us. People react in helluva different number of ways which we cannot gauge. Yet we believe that, oh ok they seem to be really nice don’t they? Yeah, right!!!

The fragile nature of our heart does tend to give us a lot of pain that sometimes tend to be irreparable. There are some who pour their hearts out and there are some who forgive and forget and there are MANY who would like to take revenge (But that’s a different topic! 😉 )

Yet we al have learnt to move on ultimately and that’s what counts!

Although it is a highly impossible task for us to constantly keep cushioning our heart with many layers, mistakes do happen. After all humans do err!!!

Nevertheless, we need to pick the stones up and start our journey again and again and again despite the many life-threatening hurdles that we may meet.

But in a another perspective we crib however we also fail to understand that the other person who we may think bad about also has a heart that is equally fragile as ours.

However good or bad they may be, it is our duty as an individual to not break their emotions in any way.

So fellow bloggers do keep your heart and others’ hearts comfy as well… Until next time, Best Wishes from Addy 🙂